PvP W/N Build that needs some polishing
I recently just made a PvP Only warrior to play around with and i noticed how useful Plague Touch can be. So after a little experimenting i found a build that got me through 2 10-win-streaks (but the Team i was in was of course also a very important part :P). I'm not all that happy with all parts of the build but i can't figure out how to improve it so i'll post it here.
Strength 8+1
Swordsmanship 12+1+3
Tactics 10 (I haven't as yet put a minor rune here, as i only use Healing Signet as a Tactics skill).
Enraging Charge
Barbarous Slice
Dragon Slash
Plague Touch
Healing Signet
Ressurrection Signet
I also have a Superior Vigor Rune and a Superior Absorption in there.
Also a 15^50 sword with +20 HP pommel and a shield with +30 HP.
First i use Enraging Charge to a) get to the target b) get adrenaline quickly.
Then i use Hamstring to keep the target from running away, after this i whack the enemy a few times so that i can get a Barbarous Slice in for some nice damage and bleeding, which i then improve with a Gash for a Deep Wound. After this i whack some more and follow up with a Dragon Slash for some good damage and more adrenaline to keep the combo going. Healing Signet is in there for the basic stuff and Plague Touch to mess around with anybody dropping Conditions on me. If a ranger drops poison, i can just pass it on, it's also good in Warrior vs Warrior battles, but this is old news.
The part i'm not very happy over is the lack of defense in this build, it's a little naked, so i chose inscriptions that add to my armor when i attack, but it's not much. Also, the building up of adrenaline can get a little slow but it's possible to use Enraging Charge JUST to get Adrenaline, but then you have to follow up with Hamstring or else the enemy will be able to outidistance you and you can't do anything about it.
So if you can think of any improvements i'll gladly accept it.
I would also appreciate if you don't flame this build if it isn't "1337zorz" enough for you.
Thank you for your time.